Yoga Journal Singapore — December 15, 2017

(Grace) #1


december 2017 / january 2018


Shine a light on
your teacher!
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to letters@

Amanda is a familiar face not only in Singapore but also overseas at large yoga events such as
Bali Spirit Festival and Murfest, among others, where her power sessions are packed with yoga



What made you start yoga?
I wanted a hobby to do on weekends and so I joined a gym that had
yoga classes I could attend. I decided I liked it enough to make it a
weekly, and then a daily routine (Singaporean lah, must make good
use of membership fee.!) Along the way I realised I had a body that was
advantageous to yoga and practising was something that never failed to
bring me satisfaction and joy. 

What inspired you to become a yoga
I did my first teacher training with Dr. Venky’s Yoga in Singapore,
and subsequently too many courses to list down. I am also certified
and actively teaching Pilates Matwork but my interest and passion
has always centered on Yoga. I was a school teacher prior to this, so
teaching yoga was a very natural transition for me. 

What does your teaching focus on?
My teaching focuses on mindful mobility, stability, strength and
presence. The students who practice with me are body-aware, strong,
informed, focused and self-loving. 

How has the Singapore yoga scene
changed in the last few years?
I think the yoga community in Singapore is becoming more educated
about the practice, and becoming compassionate and open-minded.

What do you enjoy most about attending
yoga festivals?
Yoga festivals allow me to meet teachers from all over the world and to
connect with the international yoga community. I am blessed to call many
awesome and accomplished teachers and musicians my personal friends.
Professionally, collaborations are always awesome, and personally, it’s
good to know someone who is living the same life as you in their own
communities. I love the amazing energy at festivals and to teach students
from all walks of life, and I am blessed to be able to represent Singapore
at international festivals.

in the

DETAILS Some of her favorite things...
What do you do when you’re not
teaching yoga?
What you see of me effortlessly walking
into classes and teaching sessions requires
a lot of background work of logistics,
negotiations, planning, scheduling,
marketing, designing, music management
and administrative work that many people
aren’t aware of. The background work
sometimes takes up more time than
teaching yoga. This is a business and I
am my own brand and there is a lot of
backroom work that goes on to be able to
relax and happily teach a class. 

Fav Meal
I have an avid Kombucha
making hobby, and I
like cranking out green
smoothies and green
juices on my Vitamix
and Hurom. I also like
all kinds of cheese. Yes,
bring me cheese! 

Fav Pose
I enjoy poses that activate
core stability and work with
vinyasa flows that are non-
linear and organic. I like
being precise and exact. I
am naturally flexible so I
don’t get much challenge or
satisfaction from flexibility-
related poses. I get bored
with practices that put too
much emphasis on flexibility
or are sloppy in form and

Fav TV Show
I don’t have a
TV at home! 

If you weren’t a
yoga teacher,
you’d be?
Teaching Global
Politics and
Literature in Junior

You can reach Amanda Koh at [email protected]
Instagram @amandakohkalariyoga

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