reviewsTes Ted. Reviewed. veRdic Tized
90 MAXIMUMPC december 2006
attlefield games have always offered
fantastic action, as long as you can
get past the bugs, crashes, and
craptacular server browser that makes it
hard to find a game with your pals. And
none of that has changed with the latest
version, Battlefield 2142. The game is still
buggy, the client and servers still crash
frequently, and the server browser still
leaves much to be desired. On top of that,
EA has added a whole host of goofy in-
game ads, which further distract from the
gaming experience. Still, despite the litany
of flaws, the game is a ton of fun to play.
The biggest change, aside from the
near-future setting, is the addition of
a tiered advancement system. Instead
of offering a lot of classes with just a
few unlockable weapons per class, a la
Battlefield 2, 2142 has just four classes.
As you advance through the ranks, you
can unlock specialized gadgets and
weapons for each class, to sculpt your
character to perfectly suit your play style.
Your character can be as specialized or
as general as you want. For example, if
you use all your unlocks in the engineer
class, you’ll not only acquire the default
shoulder-fired anti-armor rocket, but also
mines, mine defusal gear, vehicle detec-
tion gadgets, an anti-armor rifle, and a
shoulder-fired SAM missile. You can even
change your loadout (and armor) from one
spawn to the next.
The devel-
oper also added an
entirely new game
mode that has
you attacking and
defending giant
floating bases,
dubbed Titans. The
gameplay mechanic
is simple: capture
missile silos on the
ground to destroy the enemy
Titan’s shields and hull. Titan
mode becomes complex when
the shield drops and you have
the option of sending soldiers
to the enemy Titan to try to
detonate the airship from inside.
When teams don’t properly bal-
ance between protecting missile
silos, defending their Titan, and
attacking the enemy’s Titan, the
tide of battle can shift.
In addition to fast-paced
interior combat, the Titan also
provides an in-game artillery
platform, a mobile spawn, a
helipad (complete with trans-
port and gunship), and infantry
rocket pods, which will launch
you halfway across the map
from the Titan’s spawn room. The new
mode’s definitely a blast, but even on our
beefy machines we experienced frame rate
issues when transitioning from the outside
areas to the Titan’s interior.
All the weapons and vehicles in the
game are new—we love the new battle
walkers, which stand on two legs and
wreak havoc everywhere they go—and all
fit in with near-future conflict. The weap-
ons, including unlocks, feel pretty well-bal-
anced, and the rock/paper/scissors game
design remains in effect.
That said, for what is essentially a ver-
sion 2.0 of a version 2.0 product, we’re
disappointed by 2142’s unstable nature.
During prerelease tests using final code
being run on EA’s servers, crashes (both
server and client) were alarmingly fre-
quent. Plus, we’re not fans of in-game
advertising, especially in full-price games.
Although BF2142’s ads weren’t enabled as
we went to press, there are literally dozens
of billboards per level, just waiting to hold
ads for everything from razors to soda
pop. If even a fraction of these ubiquitous
billboards are filled, it will be annoying.
We’d really like to like Battlefield 2142,
but given our aforementioned complaints,
we just can’t recommend it.
—Will Smith
Battlefield 2142
The epic battle between consumers and
buggy, greedy software
Giant walkers, hovertanks, and beautiful outdoor battles—this
must be Battlefield.
Welcome to the Alamo, ladies. these soldiers are
the last line of defense between the enemy and
your total annihilation.
battlefield 2142
GiAnt commie robotS
Once you get in the game,
it’s really, really fun; Titan
mode kicks ass.
GiAnt fASci St robotS^7
Unstable servers and clients;
in-game ads; doesn’t support
the new titan mode has you defend-
ing your floating base while you try to
destroy your enemies.
$50,, ESRB: T