MaximumPC 2006 12

(Dariusz) #1

reviewsTes Ted. Reviewed. veRdic Tized

96 MAXIMUMPC december 2006


s it simple human greed that makes us
want more than one life to live? Whether
escaping into books, movies, or video
games, we as a species spend an enormous
amount of time absorbed in fictional realms.
Neverwinter Nights became the stuff of user-
modification legend, offering an arduous
main quest, retail expansions, and innumer-
able top-drawer community-created adven-
tures. By all rights, its sequel should be a
controlled substance.
Like the Dungeons & Dragons v3.5 mod-
ules it emulates, this slab of latent addiction is
crafted as elaborate forking fiction rather than
free-roaming alternate reality. While there are
plenty of optional side quests, travel is restrict-
ed to markings on the world map. There’s
tremendous freedom in building and leveling
your avatar, thanks to an array of races, char-
acter classes, and abilities, but the world your
party is thrust into isn’t so easily manipulated.
What you lose in freedom, however, you gain
in meaning. The main story might begin too
traditionally—a foster child raised in a small
burg becomes the unwitting target of powerful
unseen forces—and it takes its time gathering
a head of steam, but the authorial control that
guides more than 60 hours of gameplay gives
your actions weight, whether you tirelessly
serve justice, exploit the weak, or vacillate
from one extreme to the other. Every character
has its own attitude, ambitions, and approach;
and keeping the gang happy is sometimes
more challenging than keeping everyone alive.
Faerûn’s landscape and spell effects are

lovely, with trees
that wave in the
wind, fireballs that
explode in bril-
liant flashes, and a
menagerie of nasty
beasts to cut down
in intricate real-
time combat that
can be paused at
any time. Interiors
are still based on
tile sets, but the
variety of fixtures and detritus
that litter the requisite dank
tombs and inns keep locations
from feeling prefabricated, as
they did in the previous game.
Unfortunately, for all the barrels,
chests, and crates piled about,
precious few are interactive, sap-
ping some appeal from exploring
every corner of the world. When a
mage lets loose a fiery inferno in
a troublemaker’s home, the invul-
nerable surroundings damage the
world’s credibility.
As good as it looks, and as
enjoyable as it is to craft your
own armor, weapons, potions,
and other goodies, the equipped
items could be more visually
interesting. Even powerful items
often look plain and unexciting, and seeing
only your shoulder pads change color when
equipping new armor takes some
of the thrill out of collecting loot.
This might be a more realistic
depiction of medieval flavor, but
it’s just not as satisfying seeing
a lowly Harborman grow from
barely clothed newbie to gleaming
engine of destruction.
At its core, Neverwinter Nights
2 is interactive theater: Nobody
can act in contravention of the
script’s predetermined branches,
and the scenery has to survive for
the following show. The single-
player experience is long and
satisfying, a slew of multiplayer
options ensure your friends can
get in on the action, and you can

bet your enchanted long sword there’ll be
countless first-class adventures constructed
with the powerful free tools included. It’s not
without flaws, but the sheer gameplay value
here is enormous, and if you’re a fan of old-
school RPG story-telling, Neverwinter Nights 2
will keep you adventuring for a good long time.
—Cameron Lewis

Neverwinter Nights 2

Raising the curtain on the exhausting next chapter
of a D&D saga

it might seem like an attack of the clones, as enemies tend to look
alike, but fights are almost always a blast to watch.

You’d never see a hometown this vibrant and lush
without Neverwinter Nights 2’s new graphics engine.

$50,, ESRB: T

neverwinter nights 2

LawfuL good
60-plus hour campaign;
excellent creation toolset;
huge replay value.
ChaotiC eviL^8
Largely sterile non-interactive
environments; minor camera
trees and grass wave in the wind, and water laps at and cohort management issues.
your heels. faerûn has never looked this good.
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