Australian Yoga Journal — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1


november/december 2017


The great yoga inspirations of my life are those
people on the margins of society who nonetheless
have a strong relationship with their own centre. In a
culture saturated with idealism, I draw inspiration from
the humour, generosity, and transparency of those I
meet in my teaching and counselling work in mental health, eating
disorders, and social justice. These folks me daily of the
yogic potential of transformation throu traumatic-growth,
and of living with vulnerability, courage, open heart, both
on and off the yoga mat – Sarah Ball

My long-time teac ntor and friend Shiva Rea
of over ten years. Shiva is embodiment of wisdom,
sahaja, joy, adventure, tantrica and truth-seeker on the
path. Words do not capture or do justice to how much
this woman inspires me (an ands of others), and
continues to do so through her writing, te and quality time
invested in unearthing, cultivating and bre life into all aspects of
life on and off the mat! – Delamay Devi

By far, Elena Brower. I following her work a
number of years ago before she was so well known on
Aussie shores. I found her integrity, vulnerability, and
dedication immensely inspiring. As a yoga , I
admired her eloquent and intelligent dialog cues.
As a human being, I was inspired by her leadership, stud , and
transparency. She shaped me profoundly as a teacher, a very
much so all over again as a new mama. – Amy Landry

Every person that I meet in my life, e rson
that I love, every person that I connect with, every
person that I spend a single moment with; everyone
is my guru. My yoga practice is inspired by the beauty
and pain of being human, the highs and lows of everyday
life, the simple in life that bring me joy and peace of mind. Every
smile I give an e, every word of wisdom I share and hear, every
hug that embr y body; all of these connections are my inspiration.

  • Mary Kate

We asked some of our favourite

Australian yoga teachers who their

biggest yoga inspiration is, and here’s

what they had to say.



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