Australian Yoga Journal — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1
Local yoga teacherEmily Williamsis
passionate about Darwin’s expanding
yoga scene and explores a region bursting
with yogic energy, meditative offerings,
and delicious, wholesome treats.

When I tell people that I’m a yoga teacher
from Darwin, I usually get variations on one
response: “Are there a lot of people doing
yoga up there?” The answer may surprise

I was born in Darwin, and I’ve lived here for
most of my life. In the southern states, my
hometown has a reputation for being a bit
backward — a place where you’re more
likely to find fishermen and beer drinkers
than yogis and vegans — but that has been
changing for a long time now. Darwin
boasts a handful of dedicated yoga spaces
as well as healthy, conscious cafés and
activities for spiritual souls.

Nestled amongst warehouses in one of Darwin’s
industrial areas,Agoy Yogaoffers a peaceful retreat
from everyday life. Wooden floors are lit by the
morning sun shining through a skylight, the space
framed with mirrors and the back wall decorated with
a sky-blue Om. I join a class by the owner, also named
Emily, who takes us through a flow sequence with
intuitive transitions and challenging balances. Her
voice is confident and calm, holding the space as we
flow from one pose to another, offering us challenges
but always encouraging rest when needed. She assists
one of my fellow students with adjustments delivered
with compassion and kindness. On the seven window
panels in front of me are the symbols of the chakras,
and I find my awareness drawn to Muladhara,
reminding me to keep awareness in my foundation as
I transition through balances. Without realising I
have taken ujjayi breath, and synchronised my breath
with Emily’s and the other students. Savasana is
earned. In silence we observe our breath and find
space to meditate at the end of the class.
After class at Agoy, you might head toStuart Park
for a healthy paleo, vegetarian or vegan meal at
Karma Café,where the staff are as passionate about
health and wellbeing as they are about creating tasty,
healthy food.





november/december 2017


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