Australian Yoga Journal — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1


november/december 2017

Chris’slove and
passionfor yoga
seep through the
seams of his life,
extending from
each class he
teaches, to the
moments he spends on his mat exploring
and discovering the depths of what a yogic
practice and lifestyle have to offer. Catch
Chris on the mat for workshops, trainings
and retreats

What does it mean to be
To live inspired is to be connected with
your deepest sense of creativity, purpose,
and zest for life. It is to recognise the
movements of nature inside and outside
yourself. It is to be in touch with that
which gives life its deepest meaning,
and to be in communication with those
aspects in yourself and in others. From
its Latin roots, the word itself means to
be ‘divinely guided’. Refreshingly, the
word ‘inspiration’ is also very simply
defined as ‘breathing in’.

Yogic insight
Perhaps the first step, as well as an
important tool along the way, is your
ability to look within. The practice of
yoga and meditation encourages a
quality of ‘direct-felt’ experience as the
primary means to create clarity. Yoga
assists in settling the mind, creating
connection in the breath, cultivating
space in the body, and ultimately a sense
of freedom within the Self. This is a
practice that runs deep, and has the
capacity to take you to the depths of your
inspiration and devotion to your journey
of Self-discovery. Meditation creates
a precious opportunity to slow down,
reflect, and observe what is going on in
your inner world. This inward observing
can help create the conditions for change
to occur, making it possible to rearrange
your state of mind, reorganise old
patterns of behaviour, and integrate new
more inspiring ways of being in the
world.— Start with a regular
practice — what insights are you
receiving on the mat?

Tapping into what makes
you tick
From accessing that space within,
you’ll begin to open up to what makes
you come alive. What fills you with an
unquestionable sense of enthusiasm
for life and makes you feel like anything
is possible? Sitting with these questions
can hold the key to bringing more
inspiration into your life on a regular
and ongoing basis.
By getting to know what your core
motivations are and exploring these
questions, you can begin to prioritise the
things that stimulate your inspiration,
and you can start to devote more time to
each of those things on a daily basis.
— Try making a list, or writing down
some of the activities, people, places,
and experiences that make you feel
most inspired, and how you can create
more room for these in your life.

Baby steps
Just like any skill, living a life inspired is
a practice that can be improved upon by
simply committing yourself to it and
being open to exploring. What are the
conditions that you thrive in? What
stimulates a sense of internal growth
for you? Can you prioritise that?
Keep things accessible and practical
so that an inspired life isn’t a far-off
dream, but instead, a close reality that
begins with one step forward. You may
find inspiration by going for a walk out
in nature, taking up a new art-form,
dancing, or sharing a cup of tea with
someone you love. There’s plenty of
room to keep the process creative, so
always remember you can explore in a

way that feels most genuine and
meaningful to you. — Keep doing those
things that inspire and nourish you.

It’s only natural that at times you
may feel entirely uninspired or
that your progress is unrecognisable
and unnoticeable. That’s perfectly
okay and it’s a part of the patient
journey of discovery. Continue to
check inwards, take time to meet
with friends and mentors who
inspire you. You’ll know you’re
on the right track when you can
begin to see and feel improvements
in the quality of your life, and in
your relationship with others.

As you cultivate this practice, you’ll
open up new ways to stay inspired, and
in the blink of an eye, everything can
align perfectly with undeniable clarity
for you. Follow that thread forward.
This clarity of inspiration will slowly
become a touchable sense that the world
is at your fingertips and is awaiting your
gifts to be shared.

Look within, think about what motivates you, and cultivate
a life of inspired clarity, creativity and genuine meaning.

By Chris Dixon

and a zest for life



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