Australian Yoga Journal — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1


november/december 2017

Images and recipes from Hippie Lane The
Cookbook by Taline Gabrielian (Murdoch
Books RRP $39.99). All recipes are vegan,
gluten-free and refined sugar-free.

Daily activity. Indulging in what I love.
Some personal favourites include music
therapy (my necessity), time with friends
and family, regular vacations, rest
(descent sleep) and wellness therapy
(meditation, yoga, massage,
acupuncture). If I’m feeling run down
or struggling to fi nd balance, I remind
myself of these basics and fi nd my
rhythm again.

A raw version of the beloved breakfast granola, my RAWnola is based on one of
my favourite gluten-free superfoods, the humble buckwheat seed, making these
irresistible clusters high in protein, vitamin B, zinc, magnesium and antioxidants.
Dehydrating the RAWnola mixture is not essential, but is recommended if you’d
like a crunchier result and an extended shelf life. Once you’ve made yourself a
batch, you’ll find yourself snacking on it all day long.
10 medjool dates, pitted 1 tsp. coconut oil
1 Tbsp. peanut butter 180 g. (1 cup) buckwheat groats
65 g. (¾ cup) desiccated coconut 1 Tbsp. linseeds (flaxseeds)
1 tsp. ground cinnamon ½ tsp. maca powder

Place the dates, coconut oil and peanut butter in a food processor and pulse
into a paste.

In a large bowl, combine the remaining ingredients. Add the date paste and use
both hands (wearing some food-handling gloves, if you have some handy) to
thoroughly combine all the ingredients, so the mixture sticks together.

If you have a food dehydrator, press the mixture onto a dehydrator tray, to about
5 mm thick, and dehydrate at 40°C for 8 hours. Once set, break the mixture into
bite-sized pieces and store in an airtight container in the pantry. It will keep for up
to 4 weeks.

If you don’t have a food dehydrator, line a flat plate or tray with baking paper and
spread the mixture on it, about 5mm thick. Set in the fridge for at least 2–3 hours.
When your mixture is firm, your RAWnola is ready to eat. It will keep in an airtight
container in the fridge for up to 3–5 days.
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