Australian Yoga Journal — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1


november/december 2017

Udana Vayu

Movement Direction Upward

Centred in The diaphragm; it moves through the lungs, bronchi, trachea, and
throat, governing exhalation.

Expressed Verbally; when udana vayu is in balance, we communicate based
on what we feel in our hearts, as opposed to what we think we should say;
udana vayu helps these emotions move up and out of us.

The Pose Dandasana (Staff Pose)

Sit tall with your legs stretched out in front of you, your sit bones rooted into
the ground. Press your palms into the ground and lengthen your spine; feel
how energy rises from your sacrum toward the crown of your head. With
udana vayu as a guiding force, Dandasana becomes the physical embodiment
of rising, owning your truth, and expressing yourself fully and clearly. Hold
this pose for 15–20 breaths.

Take it off the mat Imagine a conversation with a loved one or co-worker
in which you feel uncertain about what to say or nervous about how you’ll
be received. As you prepare for the conversation, feel the words rising from
your centre—a reflection of the same upward motion you experience as you
lengthen your spine in Dandasana. Feel your willingness to speak honestly
and completely, without shrinking back. Udana vayu encourages expansion,
even in the moments when we want to contract. So, when you feel uncertain,
call on the strength, vigour, and confidence of udana vayu.

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