Australian Yoga Journal — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1


november/december 2017

Movement DirectionOutward
Centred inThe core of the body, moving in and out of the extremities and in the
blood and lymphatic system.

ExpressedAs alignment. Vyana vayu integrates the energy throughout the body
so that your outward expression reflects and assimilates your internal awareness.

The PoseDwi Pada Viparita Dandasana
(Two-Legged Inverted Staff Pose)
Begin on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the ground, hip-width apart.
Bring your hands back by your ears, palms to the ground, as if setting up for
Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow Pose). Press into the ground with the soles of
your feet and the palms of your hands, lifting your pelvis off the mat and reaching
your sit bones toward the backs of your knees. Rest the crown of your head on
the mat, then slip one forearm to the floor, then the other, interlacing your hands
behind your head as you would for Salamba Sirsasana (Supported Headstand).
Press down into your outer arms, lifting your head away from the mat. As you hold
this posture, notice how energy radiates from your core down to the soles of your
feet—and up along your elbows, outer forearms, and wrists (vyana vayu). Hold for
8–10 breaths.

Take it off the matThe next time you are moving through your day and
notice you’re no longer present or aligned with your highest self, practice this
simple meditation: Stop what you’re doing, take a deep breath, observe what
you’re feeling without judgment, and proceed from a place of reconnection and
awareness. When you are mindful of your internal state, you are better able to
express yourself physically and verbally—presently and purposefully—so that
your internal and external states align.

Vyana Vayu Bring the

vayus to life

The prana vayus are a pathway for inquiry,
giving your practice on the mat potential
to inform and enliven your life.
What we practice we become, and
the prana vayus help us move with
awareness, compassion, balance,
and integrity. Notice each prana vayu
in your practice. Pay attention to the
liveliness of all five pathways in
each moment or breath. Through
your own experiences, you’ll develop
an understanding that for
each direction energy flows, there
must be a complementary and opposing
flow of energy in order to achieve
harmony. Moving from this place of
awareness, watch as your practice comes
alive in every relationship you
value, beginning with the one you
have with yourself.
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