Australian Yoga Journal — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1


november/december 2017

Opens your shoulders, chest, and upper back; strengthens your legs and
upper body; stretches your front body, the thigh of your grounded
leg, and the hamstrings of your lifted leg; increases energy

1 From Urdhva Dhanurasana, slowly re-bend your elbows,
keeping them directly over your wrists, and place the crown of
your head on the floor without bearing too much weight on your
head. Pause and draw your shoulder blades back, then lower
your forearms to the floor one at a time with your fingers
pointed toward your heels and your elbows shoulder-distance apart. Interlace your fingers
behind your head, tucking your outer pinkie finger in, as you did in Dolphin Pose.

2 Firm your outer arms in and lift your shoulder heads away from the floor. Press down through
your inner elbows, forearms, and outer wrists, and firm your shoulder blades into your back ribs as
you raise your head off the floor. Then lift your heels, keeping your shins parallel, and release your
inner thighs down toward the floor before lengthening your tailbone and lowering your heels back
down. Extend out through your spine and press your sternum forward. Take a few rounds of breath.

3 When you’re ready, strongly press the four corners of your left foot down into the mat, shifting
your weight to your left leg, and bring your right knee up and in toward your chest. Keep your chest
lifted as you spread your right toes, and slowly start to straighten your right leg toward the ceiling.

Root your forearms, lift your shoulders,

curl your chest open, and extend through your

spine and legs as you move step by step

into Eka Pada Viparita Dandasana.




Urdhva Dhanurasana Upward Bow (Wheel) Pose

Opens shoulders, chest, and upper back; strengthens the upper
body, butt, legs, and spine; stretches the abs and hip flexors;
improves back flexibility

Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat, parallel, and
hip-distance apart. Bend your elbows and place your palms on the
floor, just above your shoulders, with fingertips pointing toward
your feet. Hug your elbows toward one another, press down
through your palms, and lift up onto the crown of your head.
(Note: You shouldn’t put too much weight on your head.) Pull back
through your armpits, engage your shoulder blades onto your
upper back, and press your sternum forward. Root down through
your hands and feet, straighten your arms, and lift your head off
the floor.

Dolphin Pose, variation (with clasped hands)

Opens shoulders, chest, and upper back; builds upper-body
strength and awareness; teaches how to press down through the

From Tabletop, place your forearms on the floor with your elbows
directly underneath your shoulders. Clasp your hands together.
Tuck your outside pinkie finger inside the other so that the outer
edges of your wrists and hands are flat and even. Press down
through your wrists and forearms and lift your shoulders away from
the floor. Tuck your toes under and lift your hips up and back to
come into Dolphin Pose. Keep your shoulders lifted as you take one
or two steps forward and press the tops of your thighs back.
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