Yoga Journal Singapore — February 09, 2018

(Marcin) #1


february / march 2018

Teacher and model Sesa O’Connor is a Los Angeles–based yoga teacher.

Upward-Facing Dog Pose
On an inhalation, straighten your arms,
lifting the chest and pulling the heart through
the gateway of the arms. Flip the tops of your
feet to the mat and drive all 10 toes back,
hugging your outer ankles in, lifting your
shins, and bringing your knees and thighs off
the mat. Do all of these actions during one
inhalation, and stay here in Upward-Facing Dog
for 3–5 breaths.

Four-Limbed Staff Pose
Keeping all of the actions you created in Plank
Pose, lean your shoulders forward so they
jut out over your fingertips. With an exhale,
lower your body halfway down toward the
mat, hovering 3–4 inches off the ground. Think
90-degree angle in the arms; your shoulders
shouldn’t dip below your elbows. Do all of
these movements during one exhalation. To
build strength, stay here for 3–5 breaths, or
more if your body allows.

Four-Limbed Staff Pose
From Upward-Facing Dog, lower your belly
onto the mat and tuck your toes under so
the balls of your feet are on the mat and your
heels are pressing toward the back wall. Lift
your knees off the mat, firm your thighs,
and engage your lower abdominal muscles.
As you inhale, push yourself up halfway to
Chaturanga. On your exhale, lower your belly
back down to the mat. Repeat 3–5 times to
build core and arm strength.

Seated Forward Bend
Bring both legs straight out in front of you
and root your sitting bones into your mat.
Sit up tall, flex your feet, and inhale, sending
your arms straight up toward the sky. On an
exhalation, lead with your heart and reach your
hands toward your toes, folding your body
forward and relaxing your head and neck. Keep
in mind it’s important to find length first and
then fold forward. Stay here for 5–10 breaths.

Bridge Pose
Roll onto your back, bend your knees,
and plant your feet hip-width apart. On an
inhalation, lift your hips, interlace your hands
underneath you, and press the outer edges
of your forearms into the mat as you roll your
shoulders underneath you. Turn your big toes
in slightly and spin your inner thighs down
toward the mat. Soften your bottom and
lengthen your tailbone toward your calves as
you move your heart in the opposite direction.
Stay here for 5–10 breaths.

Reclining Bound Angle Pose, variation
Lie on your back and place one block at the
low or medium height under your shoulders—
the bottom of the block should rest at the
bottom of your shoulder blades—and the
other at the same height under your head.
Let your arms open wide with your palms
facing up, and then bring the soles of your
feet together, sliding them up toward your
groin and letting your knees fall open. (Option:
Place a block or bolster under each knee for
additional support.) Stay here for at least 5–10
breaths, then remove the blocks and rest in
Savasana for 5 minutes or longer.
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