Banned Questions About the Bible

(Elliott) #1



Are there secret codes embedded in

scripture? What are they?

David J. Lose


No. Really. Then why all the speculation about secret codes, sym-
bols, and keys that unlock everything from the true meaning of the
Bible to a blueprint for the end of the world?
First, the Bible is admittedly a complicated book. What we pick up and
read is the end result of centuries of writing, rewriting, collecting, and edit-
ing of all kinds of different literary genres from a number of different cultures
and historical eras. It is, at many points, a tough read. Little wonder, then, that
we wish for a hidden code that could make transparent what sometimes feels
fairly obscure.
But there’s a second, more basic reason: Human beings are essentially
insecure creatures. That is, we have no way of determining our own worth,
value, or standing in the universe, and so we all too often compare our-
selves—both favorably and unfavorably—to those around us. It’s not a pretty
picture, but look around and see how often we use things like gender, eco-
nomic class, education, race, and ethnicity to establish various pecking orders.
One way that people have compared themselves—almost always favor-
ably—to others is by trying to demonstrate that they are smarter than the
ordinary schmucks around them. Purporting a kind of mysterious or secret
knowledge, some readers of scripture have claimed to be able to penetrate
the pages of the Bible to unravel humanity’s deepest secrets, secrets that are
unavailable to the masses (which includes you and me).
Don’t believe it. The Bible can be challenging, but if you take your time to
read it carefully, not only will you be able to understand, but you’ll also come
across the only antidote to human insecurity—God’s unconditional promise of
love and acceptance for us just as we are.

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