Banned Questions About the Bible

(Elliott) #1



Where are all the miracles today? If they

were so prevalent in biblical times, why don’t

any happen today? Or do they, and we just

don’t notice?

Becky Garrison

Who is...


Becky Garrison
I wrote my  rst piece when I was nine. That piece
was a one-act play that was an anti-Nixon rant.


A miracle is not

  • anything connected to World Vision, TBN Ministries, or any
    other prosperity “pay-to-pray” preacher;

  • a sporting victory, entertainment award, or other kudos granted to a dark
    horse underdog;

  • a genie that appears Aladdin-style to grant your every wish while doing
    spot-on celebrity impersonations;

  • a mayonnaise substitute;

  • an annual event that happens every year on Thirty-Fourth Street when
    Santa rides his sleigh in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade;

  • the name of the horse that appears at the end of History of the World:
    Part I.

If we could explain what a miracle is, then it wouldn’t be miraculous.
Even though the twelve apostles witnessed Jesus performing miracles up
close and personal, they never seemed to understand that he was going well
beyond simply healing people of their infi rmities.
Rather, he was bringing forth a new life that would transform the heart of
human history. One might not be physically healed or have one’s wishes met,
but in encountering the living Christ, one’s life would never be the same.

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