Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Your Morning Routine Blueprint


is. I don’t know what I’d pick for life goals. I don’t have a
mission statement.
Don’t worry. God has already given you a purpose. We
know that we were created for God’s glory (Isa. 43:7), and we
know we are called to share His love with others (Matt. 28:19).
We can always begin each day asking, how can I bring glory
to God today, and how can I be a messenger of His mercy?
Start there. And as you seek Jesus day by day, read the
Word, and deepen your relationship, He will steadily make
clear the specific call He has on your life.
Hello Mornings participant Dawna said:

Taking the time to plan has helped me to budget my time. I
chunk it out hour by hour so I don’t burn out or overcommit.
It has relieved so much stress for me. When I see my time
as valuable and that it is measurable, then I can make better
choices about what I want to spend my time on. Do I want
to waste an hour and a half watching a program that I don’t
really love, or do I want to soak in a bubble bath with a good
book? Do I have time to take this phone call right now know-
ing it will be an hour long when I need to leave for my doctor’s
appointment in forty- five minutes? Some people may not have
a problem with making such decisions, but, for me, I have had
to learn how to have good boundaries— and budgeting and
blocking out my time hour by hour has really helped me.

I love this advice from Elisa Pulliam:

The best advice I ever heard when it comes to planning and
organizing life is this: “If the system you’re using doesn’t
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