Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Your Morning Routine Blueprint


down in my chair, shot, missed, walked over, picked it up, sat
back down in my chair, shot, missed... you get the idea.
I wasted fifteen minutes of writing time. Why? All I wanted
was a clean desk. I could have simply stood up, walked over,
and placed the paper in the trash can. I am ridiculous.
How often, though, do we do the same thing with our health?
We put all our energy into “one shot”— banking our health on
a single exhaustive exercise routine or diet solution that requires
all our focus and willpower. We try and fail again and again with
these quick fixes when we could just take small, sure steps.
This is why fitness seems difficult. No matter how hard we
try, we can’t undo in thirty days what we’ve spent a lifetime
building. If the decline of our health didn’t happen overnight,
we can’t expect to fix it overnight. So while a “Thirty- Day
Fix” or a “Twenty- One- Day Cleanse” may give us a jump-
start, these things cannot be the foundation of our health.
Where do we begin the process of growing our energy? The
easiest way to grow your move time is by focusing on three things.

Start noticing different aspects of your health. Your sleep,
hydration, nutrition, and exercise. Noticing is far more
powerful than we think.

Make simple swaps. If we take just a little time to try new
things, we’ll discover that we can make enormous healthy
changes that require zero willpower.
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