Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1


How to Build Habits

It usually happens between 9:30 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.
“I’m heading to bed.” I’m always startled by his announce-
ment because, normally, if anyone goes to bed early, it’s me.
But on rare occasions, my husband, Jimmy, will make this
announcement first, and my brain has one of two responses.
The first is, Oh no! I was going to go to bed early. If I don’t
get up now before he leaves the room, I’m doomed. Dr. Jekyll-
Kat will take over.
My other response is, Yes! Get thee to bed! I get the house
to myself! Solitude! Quiet! Introvert party time!
Since both Jimmy and I work from home, and we have
three children (one of whom I homeschool), I’m rarely alone.
So there’s something magical about sitting in a quiet house
when everyone is sleeping.
The world is my oyster!
I can do whatever I want.
No one is going to talk to me for a whole eight hours.
It’s almost like I’m in college again, and I completely forget

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