Om Yoga Magazine — February 2018

(Elliott) #1
4) Kneeling camel
Check your knees are still hips width distance apart. Hips stacked over
the knees with your toes tucked under. Take your hands to the lower
buttocks and squeeze your elbows towards each other until your
collarbones and upper chest broaden. Inhale and lift the spine tall,
exhale and softly lengthen your tailbone slightly towards your heels
until the lower back lengthens. Inhale lift the chest higher and exhale
slowly start to curl your upper back up and back. Be sure to keep
length and space in your lower back. Take five breaths into your heart
and allow it to shine and radiate up towards the ceiling. On a strong
exhale, lengthen your spine and rise back up to a tall spine. Gently sit
your buttocks onto your heels. If this hurts your knees in any way place
a block between the hips and the heels.

5. Seated side bend
From the kneeling position, take your
right hand to the floor to the right of
your right hip. Inhale and raise your left
arm up and over to the right until your
left side body is stretching laterally to
the right. Take five breaths aiming your
breath into the left side of your lower
ribs. Enjoy the sensation of creating
space for your heart. After five breaths
upright your spine and repeat to the
left side.

  1. Twist
    From kneeling bring your left hand to the outer right knee, right hand
    just behind your right hip on the floor. Inhale and lift your spine to
    the ceiling, exhale and twist your spine to the right. Repeat for three
    breaths and then repeat to the left side.

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