Unity S tudio & School
200-hours 10 month Yoga Teacher Train in g (IYN)
Sin ce 2002 (st artin g January 2018)
Holist ic Massage Dip loma (MTI) Sin ce 2002
Unit y Partner Yoga™ Teacher Train in g (IYN)
(st artin g February 2018)
Post graduate Yoga Worksh ops & Mast erclasse s
Annual Famil y Frie ndly Retreats in UK & Turkey
http://www.bein g-in -un it y. com
130a Lewes Road, Brig hton BN2 3LG
01273 778400 / unit ysc hool130@gmail .com
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It also encourages the couple to practice various pranayama
techniques, mantra and mudras together and to relax in nourishing
shared savasana. Gentle eye contact is important, to be able to
indulge more deeply into each other’s loving presence. The practice
may also be complemented with active ‘co-listening’ to facilitate kind
verbal communication to follow the silent practice.
Trust, surrender, presence, gratitude, intuition, support; all of
these qualities are abundant in a shared practice, as we carefully
hold, embrace or massage our partner. Together, both partners are
able to observe if they feel more comfortable supporting or being
supported and to experience more of a balance between the two.
Movement is therefore co-created, moving through any difficulties in
control/letting go through a gentle interchange of mutual support.
A tantric practice
Partner yoga is a very tantric practice, connecting with our inner
self through exploration of the outer and inner senses. Ultimately,
we connect through the immense magnitude of just being in silence
together and experiencing a unified sense of oneness.
It allows us to drop some of the illusions that we have about
relationships, by simply making time to be fully present and at
ease with each other. As an embodied practice, we can drop our
expectations of each other and see each other as we truly are,
loving unconditionally and recognising each other’s true divinity.
Ultimately, partner yoga can help us to welcome, maintain and
restore our intimate relationships to abundantly fulfill our heart
and soul.
Sevanti is the founder of Unity Partner Yoga (being-in-unity.com)