Yoga and Total Health — February 2018

(Ron) #1

(^22) YOGA AND TOTAL HEALTH • February 2018
E di t o r,
Yoga and Total Health
There is a technical word, ‘Smashana Vairagya’. You get totally disinterested after
you have burnt your near and dear on the cremation grounds. Looking at the
situation, you are totally disillusioned, and for that moment the thinking starts,
‘what is life?’ But it only lasts till you come out of the gates of the cremation grounds.
Once you are back on the road you are different again.
To change ourselves as we are now is not an ordinary job. We are already moulded
into a certain kind of life. Money, pleasure, etc. are very much on our mind and we
are working continuously for them. It may be that we are looking after our parents
or our family. But basically it is the same idea, i.e. we are interested in material
things. We are terribly interested in them and least interested in spiritual matters.
Well, it is each one’s decision. If he does not think spirituality has any value, then
there is no point of pretending that he is learning yoga and wants to really follow it.
But people who have done some research, passed through life, seen the situations,
their own shortcomings, have come to the conclusion that these things cannot
continue. They want to change. These decisions sometimes do come very late.

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