Downward-Facing Dog Pose
From all fours, tuck your toes under so their pads are
on the mat. As you exhale, release the circumference of
your palms. Inhale, and lift energy up through the soft
centre of your palms (Hasta). Lift your knees off the mat,
and take your hips up and back. Exhale to release the
circumference of your pelvic floor, and at the end of the
outbreath, feel a moving up of energy (Mula) toward
your navel. The inverted nature of this pose also helps
you access Uddiyana Bandha, because your abdominals
relax. You may feel gravitational pull on your abdominal
cavity (a hollowing out toward your rib cage). On an
inhalation, consciously relax your abdominal muscles
and widen your rib cage, clearing the way for energy to
continue traveling upward. On an exhalation, pull more
of your abdominal cavity under your rib cage. Hold for 5
breaths. Mula and Uddiyana respond to each other on an
energetic as well as physical level. Because your internal
connective tissue connects these two areas, if something
happens in one of them, there will be a response in the
Hasta Bandha, Mula Bandha,
& Uddiyana Bandha
From Downward-Facing Dog Pose, exhale and bring your
right foot forward, placing it on the mat next to your right
On an inhalation, ground through your feet as you lift your
body upright. Reach your arms up overhead and arch slightly
back into a Crescent Lunge. Exhale, and stack your right knee
over your right heel. Keep your left leg slightly bent, and draw
your left heel forward over the ball of your foot.
On an exhalation, release the outer edge of the sole of
your right foot. Inhale to feel a light upward flow of energy
through the centre of the sole of your right foot (Pada). As
soon as this lift is there, you can simply keep the breath
flowing. Feel how the earth holds your weight—your joints
are just there for stability. Feel the release in your pelvic
floor as you exhale. Then inhale and feel the lift of energy
through the centre of your pelvic floor (Mula).
Support the movement of energy farther up your spine:
On an inhalation, allow your ribs to expand in all directions.
On an exhalation, keep that feeling of space in your ribs
and invite energy farther up your central channel. You
will experience a gentle muscular contraction of your
abdominals (Uddiyana). Your abdominal cavity will
move much less than it did in Downward-Facing Dog
because you’re now upright, working against gravity.
Stay for about 5 breaths. Return to Downward-Facing
Dog and repeat on the other side.
Pada Bandha, Mula Bandha,
& Uddiyana Bandha
may/june 2018