
(Axel Boer) #1


your practice


may/june 2018


5 Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward-Facing Dog Pose

Beginning in Child’s Pose, inhale to all fours,
and then exhale to lift your knees and hips
into Downward-Facing Dog. Press into your
hands, and soften your elbows to avoid
hyperextension. Drop your shoulders away
from your ears, and then stabilise them by
bringing your shoulder blades onto your
back. Slowly move back down to all fours and
into Child’s Pose. Repeat 4 times. After your
final repetition, hold Down Dog for 8 breaths,
keeping in mind you can rest in Child’s Pose
at any time.

6 Tadasana

Mountain Pose
From Down Dog, walk to the top of your
mat. On an inhalation, press your feet into
the ground. Find your core by hugging your
lower-body muscles into your bones, drop-
ping your tailbone toward the earth. From
your core, lift your chest and open your
heart, slowly coming to stand. With your
hips, spine, and shoulders aligned, let your
heart open, knowing your back is protected.
Stay here for 3 breaths. Then, on an exhala-
tion, bring your hands to your heart center
in Anjali Mudra (Salutation Seal).

8 Utthita Parsvakonasana

Extended Side Angle Pose

Step your left foot back, then turn both feet
toward the long edge of your mat. Find
symmetry in your pelvis and torso here,
then turn your right foot forward and bend
your right knee, making sure it’s directly
above your right ankle. On an inhalation,
raise your arms parallel to the floor. Stay
here for 1 breath. On an exhalation, place
your right hand on a block (or the floor to
the inside of your right foot) and sweep
your left arm overhead, coming into
Extended Side Angle Pose. Hold here for 1
breath. Repeat 4 times, then hold Extended
Side Angle Pose for 8–10 breaths. Return to
a wide-legged stance, then repeat on the
other side.

9 Prasarita Padottanasana
Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend
With your feet 3–4 feet apart and facing
the long edge of your mat, bring your
hands to your hips. Inhale, and lift your
chest as your tailbone roots toward the
floor. Exhale, and contract your lower
abdominal muscles as you slide your
hands down the backs of your legs,
keeping your knees soft while gently
folding forward. Maintain even weight in
both feet, and keep your hands on your
ankles (or lower calves). Repeat 4 times,
then hold the Forward Bend for 6–8 slow,
deep breaths.

10 Skandasana
Pose Dedicated to the God of War
From a Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend,
exhale and bend your right knee. Lean toward
the right, keeping your left leg straight and
feeling a deep stretch in your inner left thigh.
Stay here for a few breaths, inhale, and come
back to center. On an exhalation, move toward
the other side, bending your left knee. Lean
toward the left, straightening your right leg.
Move slowly from one side to the other 4
times, then hold on each side for 6 breaths.
You’ve likely heard the phrase, “Your issues
live in your tissues.” Think about this as you
release anything that’s “stuck” in these areas.
When you’re finished, come to Tadasana,
then lie down on your mat, face up.

7 High Lunge, Variation

From Tadasana, step your left foot back, and
bend your right knee so you’re in a High
Lunge with your fingertips on the mat. Heel-
toe your right foot to the right, and drop
deeper into the lunge, keeping your right
knee above your right ankle. To go deeper,
move your right hand inside your right foot,
and bring your elbows to the mat. Can you
find your center in this asymmetric pose? This
can help you reinforce your commitment to
finding your center when life doesn’t go the
way you want it to. Hold here for 8 breaths or
longer. Repeat on the other side, finishing in
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