Building Strong Families

(Wang) #1

Abortion, 79
Accountability, 38-40
Adam and Eve, 32, 33, 34-44, 149, 153
Aggressiveness, 45-47
Allender, Dan, 105, 109, 111
Attacks against your marriage, 112-113
Authority, 59-62, 112-113
male, 51-56
shown by naming, 36-37, 38, 81

Baptism, 80
“Baptist Faith and Message,” 66, 86-87
Beauty, physical, 118-121
Bible study, 107-108
Blessing, 225, 226
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 24
By Design (Hunt), 152-153, 155

Calvin, John, 102
Campus Crusade for Christ, 31, 32,
55-56, 65, 66, 218
Care for the home, 47-49, 87
Carr, Lloyd, 117, 130
Children, 70-71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 87,
107-108, 129, 135 (Chapter 6 pas-
sim), 147 (Chapter 7 passim), 161,
(Chapter 8 passim), 173 (Chapter 9
passim), 219-221
Christ and the church, 43-44, 96, 102,

Christ as “last Adam,” 34
Christ as model for husbands, 110
Christianity Today, 131-132
Christians for Biblical Equality, 33, 84,
Church, 157, 212-216
governing documents of, 55-56, 67-
moral compromise within, 17-18,
19, 32, 63, 106-107, 112
purpose of, 95
submitting to Christ, 33, 56
Circumcision, 80
Colson, Charles, 17, 222
Commitment to family, 219-221
Complementarian view, 69-78
Conroy, Pat, 22
Council on Biblical Manhood and
Womanhood, 11, 32, 61, 80, 87, 227
Courage, 17-19
Covenant love, 130-132
Created order, 32-58, 63-65, 148-151
Created order, restoration to God’s
intended, 42-43, 85
Crittenden, Danielle, 152
Crockett, Davy, 136
Crusades, 76

Danvers Statement, 32, 64, 67, 80, 227-

General Index


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