Building Strong Families

(Wang) #1

as mentor, 137, 141
as warrior, 137-138, 139-140
Man, as name for human race, 36-38,
Marriage, 20-22, 59, 83, 86, 91
(Chapter 3 passim)
responsibilities in, 33, 47-49, 86,
roles in, 33-44, 86, 96
submission in, 33, 46, 49, 59-62, 96,
112-113, 155
“Marriage and Family Statement”
(Campus Crusade), 31, 32, 55-56
Marriage covenant, 22-27
Marriage mentoring, 24-25
“Marriage Works” seminar, 20
Masculinity, 135 (Chapter 6 passim),
173 (Chapter 9 passim), 193
(Chapter 11 passim), 214-215
Men and women as equal, 29-32, 44-
47, 59-62, 63-65, 69-78
Men and women, different roles, 32-
58, 59-62, 63-65, 69-78, 155
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from
Venus (Gray), 63, 88
Men, teaching other men, 193
(Chapter 11 passim)
Men’s Fraternity, 193 (Chapter 11 pas-
Men’s needs, 195-196, 214
Mentoring, 24-25, 142-144, 161
(Chapter 8 passim), 173 (Chapter 9
passim), 181 (Chapter 10 passim)
Ministers, mandates for, 18-27
Moments Together for Couples (Rainey
and Rainey), 108
Moral relativism, 210-211
Morality, foundations of, 209-210,
Mutual submission, 49, 51-56, 72-73,
74, 75, 84, 85
Mutuality, 66, 84, 88

Naming, 35-36, 81
New York Times, 20

“No Differences” view of gender, 69-
“No equality” view of gender, 69-78
Nurturing children, 47, 87

Ortlund, Ray Jr., 222

Passivity, 45-47, 140
Pettit, Kim, 66
Philadelphia Biblical University, 218
Physical affection, 142
Piper, John, 12
Planning, 111
Pornography, 75-76
Prayer, 103-105, 119, 156, 223
Prenuptial agreement, 22
Programming, church, 18
Protection, 47-49, 86, 104, 140
Provision, 47-49, 86, 138-139

Rainey, Barbara, 108
Rainey, Dennis, 108
Raising feminine daughters, 147
(Chapter 7 passim)
Raising masculine sons, 136 (Chapter
6 passim)
Redemption, 149-150, 153-154
Reforming Marriage (Wilson), 105-106
Renewal, 221-226
Repentance, 108-109, 110, 224-225
Representative, Adam as human, 34-35
Romance, 117-124
Rule, 41, 80

Schools, mentoring in, 163
Scripture, authority of, 65-69, 148-150
Scripture, faithfully teaching, 16-17,
32, 108
Seeking God, 223-224
Sex, 125-130, 131-132
Sex, premarital, 17-18
Sex selection, 79-80
Sexual desire, 41, 72, 74, 75-76, 127-
Sexual prohibitions, 125

General Index 233
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