OM Yoga Magazine – June 2018

(Barry) #1

love yoga, teach yoga

An accredited 500 hour teacher training
offering a broad foundation training
in hot and non-hot yoga.
For those serious about teaching yoga.

Read up
Get to know the philosophy of yoga. There is a
lot to learn so read up on the Yoga Sutras of
Patanjali and familiarise yourself. Getting the
general idea of the philosophy behind yoga
will help you to feel less overwhelmed when
you begin. There are a lot of different aspects
to yoga and when you’re in the midst of the
course, you may not have the time to reflect
on the philosophy. Yet it is of fundamental
importance to the overall course.

Prepare to focus
Yoga teacher training is usually pretty
intense in terms of the time and energy
you’ll be dedicating to it. Make sure you are

free to focus on your yoga practice and the
training. You may have a project to finish or
social commitments. Let people know that
you’ll be unavailable to commit to social
engagements or work projects. You don’t
want to feel any stress while you delve into
the practice of yoga deeply and learn about
all the aspects.

Know where you’re going
Many people will choose to do an intensive
yoga teacher training course abroad. It’s a
wonderful way to see the world and if you’re
going somewhere like India or Goa, you’re
in the midst of where yoga came from. If
you’ve decided to go this route, make sure

you research where you’re going. You don’t
want to feel a sense of disappointment once
you arrive. If you have questions, make sure
to ask the yoga school. Check out what
the weather will be like so you can pack
Your yoga teacher training will be a
wonderful experience if you remain open
to the process. There will be like-minded
people you’ll meet and doing all that yoga
will bring you immense peace. You may be
getting educated but you’re also healing and
centering yourself along the way.

By Meera Watts of Siddhi Yoga
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