OM Yoga Magazine – June 2018

(Barry) #1
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s a yoga teacher who has
studied a lot abroad, I am
often asked about yoga
intensives and whether you
should study teacher training
in one chunk on a beach in Goa, or at home
over a longer period of time. They both have
their benefits of which I am sure you are
aware of many.

Benefits of short intensives
n shorter training time
n intensity of practice
n immersion, the time away can offer a
very welcome space from the demands
of daily life and in that space, a depth of
understanding and practice can prevail
n sometimes cheaper
n sunshine & heat (!)

However, there are limitations to shorter
trainings too. I hope you will find the benefits
of my own experience helpful to add to
the mix.
The yoga school I attended ran its
programmes in intensive month-long courses.
I did the training in chunks: my first month in
Rishikesh was the first yoga I ever practiced
and I got hooked by the teachings there. That
month changed my life forever.
A few years later, when I worked as an
accountant, I had the luck to be offered
three months of leave before entering into
the next phase of my journey with my firm.
I jumped at the chance and headed back
to my original teacher. He had moved the
school to Thailand, so I studied on the
gorgeous beaches there. That was it for my
career as an accountant! I changed path
almost as soon as I returned home. I then
went back and forward to the school in
Thailand each year until I had completed
the hatha and kundalini programmes (26
What was interesting about going in and
out of the school like that was being able
to take the teachings and then try to apply
them for a few months before heading
back for more intensive training. That was
great. Some of the other students there just
stayed in the ‘yoga bubble’ surrounded by
beaches and other young practitioners also
eating brown rice and discussing the latest
colonic advice. It was very easy to assume
you were making progress there, having
amazing meditations with hours of practice
each day and never losing your temper.
You see, when you remove yourself to
practice yoga intensively, a lot of change
can happen very quickly, and so it can bring

a sort of re-integration period when you
come home:
n Internal conflict at the vast differences in
ethos of the two places
n lack of community and support upon
your return
n lack of time to integrate the teachings
slowly so that they go deep into your being
n gradual melting away of the impact of
the training, and if you do not go away again
all the learnings may disappear completely
n lack of compatibility of the teachings
with real life (as a yoga teacher who has
not integrated the teachings with the
Western lifestyle you are not able to really
understand the demands of the life of a
working parent, and so inappropriate advice
on practices and depth may be given)
n and the most important one: you
separate yoga from life

So, although I highly recommend going away
and doing intensive periods of practice,
these should be integrated into the life you
lead. They should support your growth in all
the areas of your life, your work, your family
life, your studies, your place in society, as
well as your personal evolution.
I would consider that the benefits of
longer periods of training at home are:
n They can fit around your day-to-day life
(e.g. one weekend per month means no time
off work and not leaving your family and
loved ones for extensive periods)
n You will usually be learning from
teachers who are living and breathing their
yoga in the environment in which you live
and so the advice is more relevant
n As you start to live the yoga teachings,
you are supported through the changes
(which can be challenging) by your
colleagues and teachers
n You will become a member of a sanga
(spiritual community) which is close to your
home and can become your yoga network
for the rest of your life
n The pauses in study give time for
integration and digestion of the information,
so more is retained and embodied
n You will have a school you can continue
studying with beyond your training close by
n You can spread the cost over a longer
period of time
Ultimately the right choice will depend on
your needs and preferences and what your
intention is for your training. Whatever you
choose, good luck on your yoga path.

By Marit Akintewe of Seasonal Yoga
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