OM Yoga Magazine – June 2018

(Barry) #1

The teacher training

success formula


nrolling on a yoga teacher
training course could be one of
the most important moments in
your life. It could also be a big
investment of time and money.
So how do you successfully navigate
the course so you graduate as the best
teacher possible? Here’s some advice from
graduates of the Dru Yoga course which
might help:

1 Take your time
You’re on the journey of a lifetime – so don’t
rush. Consolidate what you are taught and
don’t try to race’ll get there with
a better understanding. Each module or
weekend will build upon the last, so let the
experience take you step-by-step into
your greatness.

2 Practice
It may seem obvious, but when you’re really
busy, it can be hard to fit enough yoga or
meditation practice into your busy schedule.
I always tell students on our yoga and
meditation training courses that it’s best
to do a little often – even if it is just 5-10

minutes a day. This will bring much greater
benefits than a longer session every once in
a while. Regularity is the key.

3 Get teaching experience
On most courses there will be an interim
assessment after which you’ll be able to
practice teaching groups of friends. I can’t
over emphasise the importance of starting
to teach even tiny groups as it will help you
absorb and apply everything you’ve learned.
Friends, family, even the cat will do as a
student when you start out! You could
even record yourself speaking out
instructions onto your phone, it’s all great
for your confidence.

4 Remember
When things may be challenging on your
training course, remind yourself why you’re
training as a yoga teacher. If you have a big
enough reason to be there, then you’ll gain
strength and motivation to keep going. Think
about how you will make the world a better
place by improving your own health and
wellbeing. Visualise the potential students,
the pregnant mums, the teenagers who are

waiting to benefit from your classes.
Believe in yourself and be the change you
want to see.

5 Keep in touch
with your tutors and fellow students. Many
teacher training courses have facebook
groups to help students connect in between
modules. I’ve found over the years that the
groups that keep in touch the most, produce
the best teachers. Isolation is a killer, so
keep communicating with your peers and
teachers to keep upbeat and motivated.

6 Don’t be too hard on yourself
Perfection isn’t necessary when you’re a
yoga teacher. You don’t have to be the
perfect shape or have huge amounts of
experience or have the best voice. You just
need a loving heart, and passion for yoga
yourself and a desire to transform the lives
of people around you.

Jane Saraswati Clapham is a Dru Yoga,
meditation and mantra teacher trainer
and is based in Snowdonia, North Wales

How to become the teacher you’ve always wanted to be

Free download pdf