OM Yoga Magazine – June 2018

(Barry) #1

How to find your own inner, authentic teaching voice

Your authentic voice


ike most new teachers, I started out attending endless
auditions for a place on cover lists in search of that
elusive permanent teaching slot. New teachers know
the cycle all too well: can’t get in the studios without
experience, can’t get experience without opportunity.
At an audition for a leading gym I was told that I seemed to
undergo a personality change when stepping on the mat. I was
one person when I walked in the room and a different one when
standing in front of it teaching. This was difficult feedback to hear
and it wasn’t something that had been touched on in teaching
training. We had learned the mechanics of teaching, but we hadn’t
necessarily explored a personal teaching style. I realised that
‘my’ teaching was likely to be a close-copy to my (much more
experienced) teacher. I needed to step out of this shadow to find
my own authentic rhythm in order to become the teacher I wanted
to be.

So I started my quest to find my own personal teaching voice.
Here’s some of what I learned on the way:

n Be clear about what you want to share. Particularly as a new
teacher it can be all too easy to bend to the will of your students
and teach what they want rather than what you want. Let go of that
and deliver your teaching from a place of utter authenticity, being
true to yourself.
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