OM Yoga Magazine – June 2018

(Barry) #1

With so many teacher trainings offering the same syllabus, how do you choose

which is the right training for you? By Michele Pernetta


teacher training is a big
investment of time and
money, so what should you
look for to differentiate the
It’s easy to say the right things as a
course director, to put the right ad-words,
and inspirational sayings on your website.
But a discerning person needs to read
between the lines and not be afraid to ask a
lot of questions.

What to look for:
Have a think about what kind of teacher
you would like to be or what you are
interested in and see if any course leans
towards those interests.

How to differentiate

teacher trainings

The experience of the tutors. For Yoga
Alliance certification the senior teachers
need to have over 10 years experience and
teach 70% of the course. Make sure that
is going to happen. Tales of courses where
the senior tutor popped in for a couple of
workshops are rife.
Some courses lean towards philosophy,
anatomy, meditation and/or spiritual
aspects of yoga. Others towards the
practicalities of teaching different body
types in busy classes. Ensure you know
Just because a teacher might teach
inspirational classes doesn’t mean they are
experienced in supporting others through
a teacher training. Those are very different

skills. Talk to people who have done the
course. Go to an open day, meet the tutors,
see if you connect.

Course format:
Intensives versus correspondence courses.
An intensive is just that – intense. It will
create a crucible that will spark growth, and
with growth often comes challenge. It is an
incredible time, and your mind and body
change dramatically. You gain a network of
friends and support. However, you want to
be sure you are in experienced hands, with
people who have the maturity to support
the process.
A correspondence type course over a year
or two can be convenient if you work or have
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