Prayers of Karl Barth 107
The Psalm, or...
I wait for my Lord with more longing,
than those who watch for the morning.^347
The Word of God
May there always and again be a little light from you in my heart; may
your word be strong in my home and family, honoured in this land
and known in the whole world. Amen.^348
Set reading
Free prayer..... ., or...
Thank you that you have let your light appear, that it shines in the
darkness, and the darkness shall not overcome it. I thank you that you
are my God and I am honoured to belong to your people. Amen.^349
Great, holy, and merciful God, I long for your final revelation, when
it will become clear to everyone’s eyes that the whole created world
and its history, that all humanity in the course of their lives were, are
and will be in your gracious and strict hand. I thank you too that I
may look forward to this revelation. This I pray in the name of Jesus
Christ, in whom you have loved, chosen and called your people from
all eternity. Amen.^350