140 The Psalms
Psalm 142
I raise my voice in lament to the LORD;
I raise my voice to the LORD for mercy;
I pour out my complaint before him;
I explain before him my distress.
When my inner life is weak,
you know what I am going through.
As I go along in this life people have set a trap for me.
Look around and see,
there is no one who even notices me.
A safe place for me is long gone;
there is no one who looks after me.
I cry out to you LORD, I say,
‘You are my safe place;
You are everything I need in this life.’
Listen to my sorrowful cry,
because I am really weak;
Rescue me from those who harass me,
because they are stronger than me.
Bring me right out of this prison
so I can give thanks to your name.
Then good people will gather round me,
because you have done such good things for me.