Prayers of Great Traditions

(Axel Boer) #1

150 A Bible Reading Plan

The New Testament
Matthew Matthew Matthew Mark Mark

Twenty-eight days

1.1–17 11.1–19 21.1–22 1.1–20 11.1–19
1.18–25 11.20–30 21.23–46 1.21–45 11.20–33
2.1–12 12.1–21 22.1–22 2.1–17 12.1–27
2.13–23 12.22–50 22.23–46 2.18–28 12.28–44
3.1–12 13.1–23 23.1–39 3.1–19 13.1–23
3.13–17 13.24–58 24.1–31 3.20–35 13.24–37
4.1–11 14.1–21 24.32–51 4.1–25 14.1–25
4.12–25 14.22–36 25.1–30 4.26–41 14.26–52
5.1–20 15.1–28 25.31–46 5.1–20 14.53–72
5.21–48 15.9–39 26.1–35 5.21–43 15.1–24
6.1–18 16.1–12 26.36–56 6.1–29 15.25–47
6.19–34 16.13–28 26.57–75 6.30–56 16.1–20
7.1–14 17.1–13 27.1–26 7.1–23 1 Corinthians
7.15–29 17.14–27 27.27–50 7.24–37 1.1–17
8.1–17 18.1–20 27.51–66 8.1–21 1.18–31
8.18–34 18.21–35 28.1–20 8.22–38 2.1–16
9.1–13 19.1–15 1 Timothy 9.1–29 3.1–9
9.14–38 19.16–30 1.1–11 9.30–50 3.10–23
10.1–23 20.1–16 1.12–20 10.1–31 4.1–13
10.24–42 20.17–34 2.1–7 10.32–52 4.14–21
Philippians1 Thessalonians 2.8–15 2 Timothy 5.1–13
1.1–18 1.1–10 3.1–7 1.1–10 6.1–11
1.19–30 2.1–12 3.8–16 1.11–18 6.12–20
2.1–13 2.13–20 4.1–10 2.1–14 7.1–16
2.14–30 3.1–13 4.11–16 2.15–26 7.17–31
3.1–9 4.1–8 5.1–16 3.1–9 7.32–40
3.10–21 4.9–18 5.17–25 3.10–17 8.1–13
4.1–14 5.1–11 6.1–10 4.1–8 9.1–14
4.15–23 5.12–28 6.11–21 4.9–22 9.15–27
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