174 Notes
313 Guds Uforanderlighed (1855), SV
III, p. 255.
314 Til Selvprøvelse (1851), SV III,
pp. 59–60.
315 ‘Lidelsernes Evangelium’, in
Opbyggelige Taler i forskjellig
Aand (1847), SV III, p. 202.
316 Fire opbyggelige Taler (1844), SV
III, p. 344–5.
317 ‘Ved Anledningen af et Skriftemaal’,
in Opbyggelige Taler i forskjellig
Aand (1847), SV III, p. 15.
318 Indøvelse i Christendom (1850),
SV III, p. 189.
319 Papirer, 340:8.
320 Papirer, II A 68.
321 Tre Taler ved Altergangen om
Fredagen (1849), SV III, p. 173.
322 Psalm 121.
323 Papirer, II A, 538.
324 Papirer, III A, 158.
325 Papirer, III A, 91.
These prayers are adapted from Celtic prayers and blessings as in Carmichael,
A., Carmina Gadelica: Hymns and Incantations: with illustrative notes on
words, rites and customs, dying and obsolete; orally collected in the Highlands
and Islands of Scotland by Alexander Carmichael, Volume I (Edinburgh: T.
and A. Constable, 1900) and similar sources.
326 ‘Morning Prayer’, p. 97.
327 ‘The Gifts of the Three’, p. 75.
328 From translations of the Gaelic
prayer ‘St Patrick’s Breastplate’,
attributed to St Patrick, verses 1
and 2.
329 ‘A Prayer for Grace’, p. 35.
330 ‘The Guardian Angel’, p. 49.
331 ‘The Rock of Rocks’, p. 43.
332 Adapted from ‘St Patrick’s
Breastplate’, verse 5.
333 ‘Morning Prayer’, p. 97.
334 ‘The Dedication’, p. 99.
335 Psalm 122.
336 ‘The Gifts of the Three’, p. 75.
337 ‘Holy Father of Glory’, p. 23.
25 and 26
These prayers have been translated by Hetty Lalleman and Heiner Georgi
and adapted from Karl Barth, Gebete (Munich: Chr. Kaiser Verlag, 1967), and