10 Prayers of Great Traditions
The Word of God
Almighty God, Father of Jesus Christ your only Son, give me an undefiled
body, a pure heart, a watchful mind, certain knowledge and the influence
of the Holy Spirit to discover and confidently enjoy your truth, through
Christ, by whom may glory be to you in the Holy Spirit for ever.^39
Set readings
Almighty Lord, who created the world through Jesus Christ your
Son, you invite me to rejoice, and so I recall your saving wisdom
in him: who submitted himself to be formed of a woman for my
sake; who lived in human life and revealed himself at his baptism;
who appeared as both God and man; who suffered in your will;
who died and rose again by your power. I rejoice in Christ who
conquered death and brought life and immortality to light. In
him, with all who believe, I see your glory and offer grateful
praise. This day I offer to you thanksgiving for all your grace
through Christ, so full of glory that it obscures all other blessings.
Free prayer, or...
I pray for myself and for those dear to me......
Teach me, Lord, to choose the way of life: to love you with all my
mind and soul, the one and only God, beside whom there is no other,
and to love my neighbour as myself, doing to others what I would have
them do to me, according to the pattern of Jesus Christ my Lord.^41