Prayers of Lancelot Andrewes
The Morning Office
I give thanks, Almighty Lord, Everlasting God,
Because you have preserved me this night,
not because I deserve it, but in your holy compassion.
Help me, Lord, to live today in the service of Christ, so that my
submission and obedience may please you.
I lift up my heart with my hands to God in the heavens.
Look on me and be merciful, as for all who love your name.^190
I return to my own heart; with my whole heart I return to you.
I seek your face and acknowledge I have sinned.
I return to you with all my heart, and with all my strength.
Now, Lord, from your dwelling place, from your throne in
heaven hear and be merciful and heal my soul, through Jesus
Christ. Amen.^191
The Psalm(s)
Glory to the Father......