Prayers of Jeremy Taylor 73
The Word of God
Lord, you work in us to will and to do your good pleasure, teach me
to obey all your commandments, to believe all your revelations, and
to share with joy in all your gracious promises.^245
Set readings
Holy and most gracious Master and Saviour Jesus, by example and
instruction, in your whole life and teaching, you commanded us to be
meek and humble in imitation of your incomparable beauty and great
humility. Give me the grace, as you have given me the commandment.
Empower me, to do what you command and command whatever you
will. Amen.^246
Free prayer, or...
Bless my loved ones..... ., especially those near to me: sanctify them
throughout in their bodies and souls and spirits, and keep them
without blame to the coming of the Lord Jesus.^247
I pray for my community and neighbours......
Eternal God, ruler of all creation, you have set all things in a
wonderful order, making all creatures subject to humanity, and one
person to another, and all to you – the last link of this admirable
chain being fastened to the foot of your throne. Teach me to obey
those you have set over me, respecting their persons, submitting
equally to their lawful commands and cheerfully fulfilling the duties
which public wisdom and obligation imposes. Grant this, holy God,
for the sake of him who, for his obedience obtained glorify in eternity,
our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.^248