june / july 2018
Leave the roll or block between your thighs,
bring your arms to your sides, and walk your
heels toward your sitting bones until they reach
your fingertips. Press your feet into the mat, and
lift your pelvis toward the ceiling. Leave your
arms where they are, or slide them away from
your torso. Either way, keep your arms relaxed,
but work your legs. Inhale, and move your ribs
toward your face; exhale, and press your feet
down, squeezing the roll lightly. Lengthen your
tailbone toward the backs of your knees. Hold
for 8 breaths. To come out, inhale, and curl your
pubic bone toward your navel. Exhale, and bring
your upper, middle, and lower back—and then
finally, your pelvis—down to the mat.
Come to your forearms and knees, with your
knees directly below your hips, shoulders
directly above your elbows. Press your forearms
into the floor, keeping your palms flat on the
mat. Curl your toes under, then exhale. Lift your
knees away from the floor, pressing your heels
down. If your hamstrings are tight, work with
bent knees; otherwise, straighten your legs.
Inhale, and press your forearms into the floor,
moving your shoulder blades away from your
ears and spine. Exhale, and relax your neck. Hold
steady in this pose for 8 breaths, sending your
breath into the area you decided to focus on at
the start of this practice. To come out, lower your
knees to the floor.
Come back to your forearms and knees on the
mat. Leave your right forearm where it is, and
slide your left hand backward, lifting your
forearm and stacking your left elbow over your
left wrist. As you inhale, expand your ribs away
from your shoulders. Press evenly through your
right forearm and left hand. As you exhale,
straighten your legs, and press down through
your heels. Hold for at least 5 breaths, focusing
on your area. Then, repeat on the other side.
VARIATION Extended Side Angle Pose
From Virabhadrasana II (Warrior Pose II), bring
your left forearm to your left thigh. Take your
right arm overhead, reaching it behind your back
so that your hand clasps the top of your left thigh.
As you inhale, press your left forearm into your
thigh, and lift your ribs up. As you exhale, relax
your neck, and drop your left ear toward your left
shoulder. Hold for 5–8 breaths, sending breath to
the spot you’ve been focusing on.
VARIATION One-Legged King Pigeon Pose
From Virabhadrasana II, pivot on the ball of your
right foot to come to a high lunge. Place your
hands on the mat, set your back knee down,
and heel-toe your front (left) foot into the space
between your right wrist and hip, making a
45-degree angle with your left shin. Extend your
right leg straight out behind you, and come onto
your forearms. As you inhale, feel your back ribs
expand. As you exhale, fold forward, and feel a
release in your left hip. Hold for 5–8 breaths, then
repeat poses 8–9 on the other side.
From Tadasana, step your right foot back, turn
your foot out slightly, and bring your right heel
down as you bend deeply into your front knee,
coming into Virabhadrasana I (Warrior Pose I).
Clasp your hands behind your back, and as you
inhale, lift your ribs; as you exhale, bow forward,
bringing your left shoulder inside your left knee.
Draw your palms overhead to a place where you
can still breathe comfortably. If your hamstrings
resist, rest your torso on your front thigh. Hold
for 5–8 breaths, relaxing your head, neck, and
shoulders, and sending your breath and attention
to your area.
For poses 8–15, connect two poses at a time on the left side, complete a half
vinyasa (Plank Pose, Chaturanga, Cobra, and Down Dog), then repeat the same
two poses on the right side.