OM Yoga Magazine – July 2018

(Sean Pound) #1


Yoga And The Dark Night Of The Soul

  • The Soul’s Journey To Sacred Love

Simon Haas
Veda Wisdom Books

Based on the timeless teachings of the Bhagavad Gita and interwoven with relatable, inspiring stories
from the author’s own life and the people around him, this book is a contemporary guide to the
ancient wisdom of yoga, sharing teachings on how to overcome life’s greatest challenges, follow
our life purpose and live our life with greater love and compassion. Author and yoga philosopher,
Simon Haas, says the book is about difficulty and darkness. “Almost all of us will go through at least
one period like this, yet we live in a society that conceals crisis or despair, looks upon it with fear
and medicates it out of sight.” In ancient India, however, crisis was viewed as an important time of
transition. “Yoga and the Dark Night of the Soul examines what despair really is, how it unfolds, what
its common features are, and how best to navigate it to transform us.”

Healing Body Meditations

  • 30 Mandalas To Enhance
    Your Health & Wellbeing

Mike Annesley with Steve Nobel
Eddison Books

A unique set of 30 beautiful colour mandalas
for meditation, based on the natural miracle
of the human body, focusing on the heart,
the eyes, the lungs, the skin and other organs
and systems. Meditating on these specially
commissioned designs enables us to draw
upon our hidden inner springs of vitality,
to help us restore our being to wholeness
and balance, as well as to address specific
health concerns including headaches and
migraines, joint stiffness, fatigue and anxiety
symptoms, and chronic aches and pains.
Stunning, gorgeous illustrations and easy
to follow instructions.

This book addresses both the physical and
psychological expressions of PTSD (Post-
Traumatic Stress Disorder), presenting an
integrative, fast-acting, evidence-based, and
drug-free path to recovery. The authors begin
with an overview of PTSD and its effects, and
then present a suite of simple, powerful and
easily learned tools to put to immediate use
to reset traumatised bodies and minds. On
the physical side, it includes four kundalini
yoga techniques that address hyper vigilance,
flashbacks and insomnia characteristics of
PTSD. On the psychological side, the authors
present 25 powerful CBT tools that target
self-defeating beliefs, negative emotions and
self-sabotaging behaviours that accompany
the disorder.

Sometimes known as the ‘fountain of youth’,
Tibetan yoga has been known to slow the
effects of ageing, as well as enhance memory,
improve physical strength and support positive
emotional and mental health. Alejandro
Chaoul focuses on the five principal breaths of
Tibetan medicine and yoga and how special
body movements for each of these breaths
engage the chakras of the body. Illustrated
for reference. Plus tips on how to keep your
practice alive in the midst of your everyday
life. The author also shares his experiences of
daily practice in different settings and cultures,
with a focus on simplicity, accessibility and
ease for today’s real-world lifestyle.

Reclaiming Life After
Trauma - Healing PTSD
With Cognitive Behavioural
Therapy And Yoga

Daniel Mintie and Julie K. Staples
Healing Arts Press, $16.99

Tibetan Yoga For Health &
Wellbeing - The Science And
Practice Of Healing Your
Body, Energy And Mind

Alejandro Chaoul
Hay House, £13.99

Further reading:

Te acher zone

Free download pdf