OM Yoga Magazine – July 2018

(Sean Pound) #1




Alexandra Legouix describes
her regular yoga practice as
her ‘medicine’

NAME: Alexandra Legouix
AGE: 36

Why did you start yoga
Yoga was something I dabbled with initially, but it became not just something I enjoyed,
but an activity crucial to my wellbeing. It’s my medicine. I’d spent my entire life with
various bone problems: prolapsed discs, tumours in both ankles, knee problems...
the list was endless and ongoing. In 2016, I fell while dancing. It was an innocuous
tumble and most people would have been fine, but I totally broke. I fractured my spine,
dislocated my pelvis and suffered three herniated discs. Specialists discovered I had
a severe degenerative disc disease, facet joint disease and potentially a blood related
illness affecting my other bones. Impact sports were out and a more holistic approach
was required to give me mobility and quality of life. This is when my yoga went to a
new level.

How has yoga changed your life
Physically I’ve never felt or looked better and am strong, flexible and lean. I am still in
daily pain but it’s manageable and I’m fully functional. The difference yoga has made is
immense. How I feel after attending or delivering a class is incredible. What yoga and
meditation does for elevating your wellbeing, positivity and soul is so powerful.

Favourite yoga haunts
My yoga journey began at Studio42 in Reading, which became my haven. My body
responds to heat so hot yoga is great for me. Where I did my teacher training was
incredibly special. You cannot beat waking up, meditating on the beach then doing
yoga in the treetops at Padma Karma in Kerala, South India. Paradise!

Best yoga moment
It’s hard to pick one! My job takes me all over the world, so I’ve practiced yoga in
the most unimaginable places which have been pretty special. Then I also love those
eureka moments when you manage a balance that you never believed would be
possible. I will never be able to do everything I want to do - my body simply has its
limits and I’ve made peace with that - but every now and then I can do something I
never thought possible and that then transfers to my attitude in daily life.

Anything else
My ‘Yoga Made Simple’ DVD that I shot with IMC Vision came out this year (available in
stores like HMV and on Amazon). As I write this it’s ranked No.3 in the Amazon fitness
charts and is the ‘Amazon Choice’! It’s designed with beginners in mind but there are
options. I’m about to film my second DVD which will be a more advanced level... Give
me a follow on Konasana Yoga and watch this space!

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19 | 20 | 21 October 2018

Alexandra Palace,

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OCCUPATION: TV presenter, live event host,
yoga teacher YOGA YEARS: 5
Free download pdf