OM Yoga Magazine – July 2018

(Sean Pound) #1

OMGTea founder Katherine Swift explains why she’s so passionate about

championing the benefits of matcha


n 2010, OMG Tea founder Katherine
Swift’s mother was diagnosed with
stage 3 breast cancer. Watching her
fight the disease made her realise
that the most important thing in
life is family, friends and health. So she
decided that she wanted to do something
positive to help and became involved in
supporting the ground breaking research
of one of the world’s leading genetic and
cell biologists. This research highlighted the
benefits of antioxidants in our diets. Green
tea is renowned for its healing properties
due to an abundance of antioxidants so
she wanted her mum to drink the green
tea with the most antioxidants. With its
amazing health and wellness properties and
an astonishing level of antioxidants organic
matcha green tea was that tea.
“My mum and I started drinking it
immediately,” she tells OM. “I felt so passionate
about its amazing potential health benefits and
how it made us feel that I founded OMGTea to
help spread the word about this miracle green
powder. Mum and I drink OMGTea daily and
have never looked back.”
Matcha tea has many potential health
benefits and OMGTea is seeking to validate
these health claims with research.

Mad about matcha

“At OMGTea we are working with UK
leading medical professionals conducting
scientific and clinical trials which we believe
will leave no doubt as to its superior
health benefits for ageing and age related
diseases,”she adds. This includes:
l Clinical trials in relation to fat oxidation
to show how OMGTea has the potential
to enhance healthy weight loss.
l Scientific trials with breast cancer to
highlight its potential effect on breast
cancer stem cells.

Provenance and ethics
“As matcha specialists (we don’t do any
other teas) OMGTea has developed a range
of matcha to cater for different budgets and
styles. We source our tea from the most
respected and reputable matcha supplier in
Japan who has won many awards for their
high standards of organic matcha farming
and production.”
Swift has visited Japan to meet OMGTea’s
tea farmers, seen the tea harvested and
processed, leaf-to-tin, and also participated
in traditional tea ceremonies, immersing
herself in all things matcha.
The company now boasts Great Taste
Awards across its full range of OMGTea.

OMGTea recently launched its innovative
twist-cap ready-to-drink iced matcha
(pictured above), which retains all the
tea’s powerful health benefits. With its
ground-breaking twist-cap technology,
the matcha powder and its nutrients are
kept fresh and potent, by storing them
separately from the water in an airtight
cavity. Matcha loses its potency and
nutritional perks when pre-mixed with
water. Simply activate the twist-cap and
release the matcha, shaking the formula
together to create a fresh, delicious
drink. Three varieties: OMGTea Iced
Matcha Original; OMGTea Iced Matcha
Citrus; OMGTea Iced Matcha Mint
£6 (for all three)

Tea Special

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