The Knitter - UK (2019-10)

(Antfer) #1
palm of glove, and 32 sts for back of glove,
keeping the start of round in correct place.

Note: Fingers and thumb are worked with
yarn A in st st.
Begin all rounds for the right glove from
back and all rounds for the left glove from
palm of hand.

On the opposite side of thumb opening,
starting from the outer edge of little finger,
pick up 9 sts from back onto a needle and
8 sts from palm onto another needle. Leave
all other sts on holders or waste yarn.

Right glove only
Round 1: K9 f rom b a c k of h a n d , c a s t on 2 s t s
using the backwards loop method, K8 from
palm. 19 sts.
Round 2: Knit.
Round 3: K9, K2tog, K8. 18 sts.

Left glove only
Round 1: K8 f rom p a l m of h a n d , c a s t on 2
sts using the backwards loop method,
K9 f rom b a c k. 19 s t s.
Round 2: Knit.
Round 3: K8, K2tog, K9. 18 sts.

Both gloves
Divide sts so that you have 9 sts for back
and 9 sts for palm side of finger.
Work 17 m ore rou n d s i n s t s t, or u nt i l f i n ge r
measures 5cm or desired length (so that
half of the fingernail is visible).
**Dec round: *K 1, K 2 to g, K 3, S S K, K 1;
rep from * once more. 14 sts.
Next round: *K 1, K 2 to g, K 1, S S K, K 1;
rep from * once more. 10 sts.
Next round: K2tog five times. 5 sts.
Break yarn, thread through the rem sts and
fasten off securely on the reverse side.**

Pick up from holders 7 sts from back and
8 sts from palm, and place on DPNs.

Right glove only
Round 1: K7 b a c k s t s, c a s t on 2 s t s u si n g t h e
backwards loop method, K8 palm sts

Actual palm circumference: 20cm (8in)
Total length: 26½cm (10½in)

Jamieson & Smith 2 Ply Jumper Weight
(4ply weight; 100% Shetland wool;
115m/125yds per 25g ball)
1 x 25g ball of each:
A Shade FC39
B Shade 142
C Shade FC44
D Shade 2

1 set 3mm (UK 11/US 2-3) double-pointed
needles (DPNs)
Stitch holders or waste yarn
Stitch markers

30 sts and 34 rounds to 10cm over
chart patt using 3mm needles.
26 sts and 40 rounds to 10cm over st st
using 3mm needles.

Jamieson & Smith 01595 693579

For general abbreviations, see p89

THESE BEAUTIFUL gloves, designed by
Outi Kater, are knitted in the round using
the Fair Isle technique. The stitch pattern
echoes the designs of traditional 19th
century American patchwork quilts.
There are two rounds of braiding at the
cuffs, while the fingers are knitted in
plain stocking stitch.

(both alike)
Using 3mm DPNs and yarn A, and the
long-tail method, cast on 60 sts.
P m a n d j oi n to work i n t h e rou n d , t a k i n g
care not to twist sts.

Round 1: Lift yarn A between the first and
t h e l a s t n e e d l e to r i g ht si d e of work.
Using yarn A, P1 and leave it hanging on the
right side of the work.
Using yarn B, P1 and leave it hanging on the
right side of the work.
Lift yarn A over yarn B and P1 with yarn A.
Purl to end of rnd alternating between yarn
A and yarn B and always lifting the yarn to
be used over the other yarn. Take care not
to have too tight a tension when purling.
Note: The two yarns get very tangled when
you are working the braid, and it is
important to disentangle them after
rounds 1 and 3.
Round 2: L i f t ya r n A to w ron g si d e of work
and knit to end.
Round 3: Work in the same way as round 1,
except this time lift the yarn to be used
under the other yarn.
Lift both yarns to wrong side of the work.

Round 1: Using yarn A, K31, pm for end of
palm, K29.
Work rou n d s 2- 4 4 of C h a r t.

Right glove only
Round 45 (thumb opening): L e ave 1 1 s t s
on holder for thumb opening, using the
b a c k wa rd s lo op m e t h o d c a s t on 1 1 n e w s t s
above thumb opening as set by Chart,
patt to end as set by Chart.

Left glove only
Round 45 (thumb opening): K20, rep from

  • to * as for right glove.

Both gloves
Rounds 46-61: Patt as set by Chart.
Round 62: Using yarn B, *K15, M1; rep from

  • to end of round. 64 sts.
    Divide sts onto 2 stitch holders: 32 sts for

The colourwork
pattern continues
around the palms





Prairie Star

The Knitter 27 Issue 143

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