Reminisce Extra – July 2018

(Frankie) #1

JULY 2018 (^) * REMINISCE .COM 33
as Michael’s
beloved pet. She
later brightened
the world of
a new owner.
dilemma. I loved my dog and wanted her back,
but I realized there was no way that I could
take her away from this elderly woman who
badly needed Lady’s companionship. It would
be selfish.
I told the woman she could keep Lady.
She and her son were full of gratitude and
promised me that I could visit Lady whenever
I wanted. But I knew that would only bring
me more heartache. I knew, too, it was best for
everyone that I stay away. Lady was performing
an essential service now; she and her new
owner deserved a clean break, without the
worry that in a moment of longing I would
demand my dog back.
Choosing to allow Lady to stay there was
without doubt the most difficult decision I’d
had to make up to that point in my life—and
one of the toughest decisions I’ve ever made.
My tears flow once more as I write. I never
saw Lady again, but I take comfort knowing
that this incident helped to form my character,
and that my cherished pet made the remaining
years of that sweet old woman’s life better.
There was no way that I could take her away
from this elderly woman
who badly needed Lady’s companionship.

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