St. Louis Cardinals Gameday – June 2018

(C. Jardin) #1


I’m creeped out by:
People who bite their shirts all the time. – Jason Motte, Issue 3, 2009

People who know a bit too much about me. – Kyle Lohse, Issue 1, 2010

Spiders. When I was a kid, if I was going to take a shower and there was a daddy
long legs in the tub, someone had to come kill it first. I wasn’t going near it.

  • Greg Garcia, Issue 4, 2016

Some of the stuff in my baby’s diaper. – Skip Schumaker, Issue 6, 2009

Best sports moment as a fan:
Are you sticking it to me? I’m from Buffalo. There aren’t
many good sports moments! The Bills lost four straight
Super Bowls, and the Sabres lost in the Stanley Cup
Finals in 1999 ... that’s the sort of things that happen to
Buffalo sports fans. – Kevin Siegrist, Issue 6, 2013

Celebrity I’d trade places with for a day:
Nobody ... you can have all the Hollywood stuff. Playing
in Los Angeles was a fun couple of years, but what they
do out there – actor or actress – is not something I’d
want to do. – Mark Ellis, Issue 2, 2014

Celebrity I wouldn’t trade places with:
David Freese. He handles the attention really well, but I
don’t know how. I like the ability to go out to dinner and
not be recognized. – Marc Rzepczynski, Issue 2, 2012

Toughest crowd I’ve experienced as a player:
Philadelphia. The fans right above the bullpen do their
homework. They knew my mom’s name, my sister’s
name and a lot more they must have found on Wikipedia.

  • Bud Norris, Issue 2, 2018

Where I shop:
I’ll go to Nordstrom. There’s also a yoga
apparel store, Lululemon, that’s a trendy
place where my fiancee works. She gave
me a pair of yoga pants for Christmas and
I tried them on and was like, I don’t know
about these. She said, “You’re going to
love ’em; you’re not going to take them
off.” And she was right. I wear them
around the house all the time.

  • Peter Bourjos, Issue 1, 2014

Dogs or cats:
Dogs, 100 percent. I have a bad allergy to cats. I played on the Cape once, and the family
I stayed with had a cat that died months before. One night, one of my friends on the team
stayed in my room and brought a blanket up from downstairs. I woke up at four in the
morning, and my throat was closing. We’re trying to figure it out because there’s no cat
in our room. It turned out to be the blanket. I called my dad and said, “Hey, I don’t want to
freak you out, but I can’t breathe; it’s a cat, what do I do?” And I hear my mom screaming
in the background, “Go to the hospital!” I did, and got an IV of liquid Benadryl that just
poured into my system. – Harrison Bader, Issue 7, 2016-17

Favorite holiday:
Thanksgiving. It’s the family, the food. It’s Christmas but without the pressure of buying
gifts. – Nick Punto, Issue 3, 2011

If I could ask one former player
anything, I’d ask:
Babe Ruth how many beers is too many the
night before a game. He would know, right?

  • Bud Norris, Issue 2, 2018

Favorite sport as a kid:
I played basketball and, believe it or not, I’m
better in basketball than baseball.

  • Jhonny Peralta, Issue 3, 2014

I’m a shopaholic when it comes to:
Little squeezy balls, like stress balls. When
I see one, I buy one.

  • Jason Motte, Issue 3, 2009


Kevin Siegrist

Jason Motte

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