Criteria for Evaluating Counselor Primary Empathy
- Accuracy
- Aware of content
- Aware of feelings
- Well-timed
- Tentative
- Concise
- Primary, not advanced empathy
Estimated time: 75 min.
In the large group, students discuss what they learned from the role-play, what ques-
tions they still have about primary empathy and attending skills, and what they think
about the role of empathy skills in genetic counseling.
Estimated time: 10–15 min.
Activity 8: Cultural Empathy Presentations^1
For this activity, each student will summarize a different selected chapter from
Fisher ( 1996 ) about the particular cultural group and describe selected resources for
providing culturally competent care for individuals in the identified population in a
20-min oral presentation.
Students should be given the following instructions:
- Select a chapter from Fisher to summarize for your classmates.
- Identify additional references/resources for providing culturally competent care
for individuals from this population. - Prepare a 1–2-page handout summarizing major points of the chapter and the
additional resources you identified. Include in your handout an annotated bibliog-
raphy of the references and resources you used in preparing your presentation.
Estimated time: 20 min per presentation.
4.12 Written Exercises
Exercise 1
Identify two situations in your own life where you have experienced disappoint-
ment, loss, grief, etc.
- Describe the situation, what you were feeling, thinking, doing.
- How did you cope with the situation?
- What resources (including other people) did you turn to in order to seek
(^1) Resource: Fisher ( 1996 ).
4.12 Written Exercises