Genetic Counselor Options Patient Options
Resist ending Resist ending
Encourage ending Encourage ending
Uncertain about ending Uncertain about ending
Estimated time: 60 min.
The whole group discusses: What did you learn from these role-plays? What inter-
personal skills were required?
Estimated time: 15 min.
Instructor Note
- Observers can use Appendix 2 , Observer Checklist for Ending the Genetic
Counseling Session.
Activity 6: Making Referrals (Think-Pair-Share Dyads or Small Groups)
Discuss making referrals. What do you think is particularly difficult about making
effective referrals? (Consider both patient and counselor characteristics as well as
external factors such as the referral sources themselves.) What strategies might you
use to facilitate a referral?
The whole group discusses their responses to these questions.
Estimated time: 15–20 min.
Activity 7: Making a Referral (Triad Role-Plays)
Students engage in 10-min role-plays. The patient is a prenatal genetic counseling
patient who the counselor wants to refer to a psychotherapist. The reason for the
referral is that the genetic counselor believes she has unresolved grief over prior
multiple pregnancy losses. The genetic counselor realizes these issues are too com-
plex to address during the genetic counseling session. In the first role-play, have the
patient accept the referral. In the second role-play, have the patient resist the refer-
ral. In the third role-play, repeat either of these two patient roles, without the patient
disclosing her role until the triad discusses the interaction.
Estimated time: 30–60 min.
The whole group discusses: What did you learn from these role-plays? What inter-
personal skills were required?
Estimated time: 10 min.
6.7 Class Activities