The whole group generates a list that the instructor writes on the board.
Estimated time: 45 min.
Activity 2: Medical Recommendations (Group Discussion and Dyad or Triad
Role Plays)
First, students work in small groups to come up with a list of patient recommenda-
tions specific to genetic counseling such as those from ACOG, ACMG, NSGC, and
ASCO for one of the following:
- Hereditary colon cancer
- Communicating a prenatal testing result for Down syndrome
- Communicating a postnatal diagnosis of Down syndrome
- Childhood testing for adult-onset conditions
- Sharing risk information with relatives
- Prenatal carrier screening
Each small group shares the results of their research to identify medical recommen-
dations relevant to genetic counseling.
Estimated time: 45 min.
Next, students select three key information points to be included in the genetic
counseling session. Students write out what they will say and where it fits best into
the session.
In dyads or triads, students role-play sessions that include the three key informa-
tion points for the recommendations they found in their research.
Estimated time: 60 min.
Instructor Note
- Students or instructor may select other topics of interest.
Activity 3: Communicating Positive Test Results (Dyads or Small Group
Students discuss how they will feel when communicating positive test results to
patients. What is difficult about it? What is scary about it? What is the worst thing
that could possibly happen?
The whole group discusses their responses.
Estimated time: 20–25 min.
7 Providing Information and Facilitating Patient Decision-Making