Facilitating the Genetic Counseling Process Practice-Based Skills, Second Edition

(vip2019) #1


Attending skills (cont.)
competence, 65
nonverbal communication, 67
verbalizations/language, 66–67
physical attending skills, 52–54
body, 57
distracting behaviors, 57
face and eyes, 56–57
patient nonverbal behaviors, 54–55
touching patients, 57–59
understanding patients cues, 55–56
voice, 57
positive effects, 54
positivity-negativity, 53
suggestions, 59–60
written exercises, 72
Attentiveness, 53

Basic counseling skills, 2
Benign countertransference, 337
Burnout, 344
class activity, 353–354
prevalence and triggers, 344–345
prevent, 345–346

Carl Rogers’ theory, of person-centered
counseling, 43
Clinical empathy, 77
Clinical information, 283
Closed-ended questions, 111, 126
Communicating information, 174–178
Compassion fatigue, 346–347
checklist, 355
vs. distress and burnout, 347
management, 349–350
recognizing, 348–349
triggers and risk factors, 349
Confrontation skills
challenges, 235–236
class activity, 238–243
cultural considerations, 236–238
definition, 229
encouragement, 234–235
follow up, 231
formulate response, 230–231
functions, 229
possible patient behaviours
ambivalence, 232
discrepancies, 231–232

distortions, 233
evasions/avoidance, 233
games/tricks/smoke screens, 234
ideas and actual behaviours, 232
messages, 233
nonverbal, 234
patient says, 232
self-perceptions, 233
written exercises, 243–246
Cooperative learning, 4
Coping behaviours, 259
addressing patient defense, 261–262
defense mechanisms, 259
patient defense, 260–261
promoting effective coping, 262–263
Counselor-client relationship, 284
Counselor self-disclosure, see Self-disclosure
behaviors, 338–339
causes, 334–335
class activity, 352–353
definition, 333
effects, 335–336
genetic counselor, 339–341
management, 341–342
types, 336–338
written exercises, 354–355
Cultural empathy, 87–90
Culturally educated questioning skills, 128

Defense mechanisms, 260
class activity, 275–276
written exercise, 277–279
Depression, 225
Directiveness, 338
Distress, 342–343
class activity, 353–354
manage, 343–346
Domain, 87

Emotion(s), 189
Emotional styles
explosive style, 270
nonexpressive style, 270
reserved style, 270
spontaneous style, 269
written exercise, 278
Empathy, 335
advanced, 78


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