A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


Suggested Duration

2-5 minutes

Bene ts

This pose is a backbend that also stretches the shoulders.

Risks and Contraindications

This pose is contraindicated for people who have neck or shoulder is-
sues. Also, if you feel tingling or numbness in the hands, come out of the

Alignment Points

  • Begin on all fours.

  • Crawl the arms out in front of you, spreading the hands a little wider
    than the shoulders.

  • Wrap the outer arms down and spiral the inner arms up in external
    rotation to broaden across the upper back and shoulders.

  • Keep the hips above the knees.

  • Allow the chest to relax down toward the  oor.

  • Rest the forehead on the  oor.

Modi cations and Other Options

  • Place a blanket under the shins and feet for comfort.

  • Rest the forehead on a block to support the neck.

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