A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


us out of balance so easily. We find that we are able to move through the
world, even in all of its challenges, with more grace, steadiness, and nobility.
Yin yoga is sometimes called the fountain of youth. As people grow older,
their bodies lose flexibility, tension increases, circulation is inhibited, and
tissues begin to atrophy and deteriorate. Yin yoga can stop or even reverse
this process greatly, thereby slowing the aging process. In yin yoga, we can
activate deeper connective tissues through long, deep stretching that exerts
positive pressure on them. This sets into motion a chain of events in which the
body heals the collagen and elastin fibers of the connective tissues, making
them stronger and more durable.
The Taoists drew much inspiration from nature. One example of this is the
Shaolin fighting monks that were named after the Shaolin tree. When fierce
storms blew through their area, often the only trees left standing were the
Shaolin trees. This was because of both their strength and their suppleness.
Without suppleness in the body and mind, there’s a good chance that at some
point you will snap. Yin yoga helps to cultivate flexibility and adaptability
within all aspects of your life so that you are ready for whatever comes your
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