A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


Suggested Duration

1-3 minutes

Bene ts

This pose releases tension across the back of the neck.

Risks and Contraindications

Proceed carefully if you have neck issues. Exit the pose if you experience
sharp pain.

Alignment Points

  • Begin in easy seated pose (page 118), sitting up with a tall and
    straight spine.

  • Bring your hands behind your head, interlacing the  ngers and let-
    ting the elbows  are out.

  • Keeping the spine straight, lower the chin toward the chest.

  • Let the natural weight of your hands and arms use gravity to pro-
    duce the stretch without forcing it.

Modi cations and Other Options

To target the top of the neck and the base of the skull, gently push the
back of your head into your hands.

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