A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1
Suggested Duration
5-10 breaths
Bene ts
This pose is both a strengthening and a rejuvenating posture. It stretches
the calf muscles, strengthens the arms and shoulders, and elongates the
torso and spine. Downward dog is a great neutralizing pose for the spine
when used between a forward bend and a backward bend.
Risks and Contraindications
Modify or avoid this pose if you have serious wrist or shoulder issues.
Alignment Points

  • Begin on the hands and knees, tuck the toes, and lift the hips. Place
    the feet hip-width apart. Spread the toes and align the heels directly
    behind the second and third toes.

  • As the heels descend toward the  oor, work the legs toward straight,
    with the thighs pressing back and the quadriceps engaged. If straight-
    ening the legs causes the spine to round, maintain a slight bend in the

  • Tilt the sitz bones toward the sky to further lengthen the side of the
    body and back of the body.

  • Place the hands about shoulder-distance apart, with the index  ngers
    pointing straight ahead and the  ngers spread wide.

  • Straighten the arms and rotate the upper arms outward and slide the
    shoulders down and back, keeping the neck free and long.

  • Align the ears between the upper arms and rest the gaze comfortably.
    Modi cations and Other Options

  • If you have tight hamstrings, spread the feet the width of the mat.

  • If your shoulders are tight, rotate your  ngers slightly outward.


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